Financial Wellness in a Bear Market

Hand flipping wooden cubes for change wording" Panic " to " Calm". Mindset is important for human development

Melissa Joy, CFP®, CDFA® and Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, Financial Therapist discuss how to keep perspective in this challenging market environment. Lindsay is the state of Michigan’s first financial therapist. In addition to her practice helping high-earning couples, especially those with breadwinner women, in two to one therapy, Lindsay is publishing a book on financial anxiety (Financial…

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Overcoming Financial Anxiety: Webinar Recap

person on a rock with a purple sunset

Melissa Joy recently sat down with Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, MSW to discuss the emerging field of financial therapy. Lindsay is the state of Michigan’s first financial therapist. In addition to her practice helping high-earning couples, especially those with breadwinner women, in two to one therapy, Lindsay is publishing a book on financial anxiety (Financial Anxiety Solution:…

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