Are You a “Super Saver” for Retirement?

Are you a super saver for retirement?

If you’ve been laser-focused on saving since your 20s, opened a Roth IRA early and you’ve stayed committed to saving every step of the way … you’re officially a 🌟 Super Saver! Kudos to you for your dedication! 👏 However, spending money? That’s a whole different ball game. It’s not uncommon for Super Savers to…

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Are You a “Middle of the Road” Saver?

Are you a middle of the road saver?

Are you feeling unsure about your retirement savings? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. There are 3 categories of savers, and if you fall into the “Middle of the Road” Saver crowd, you’re in good company. Here are some traits of the “Middle of the Road” saver: 👉 Diligently contributing to your retirement accounts 👉 Snagging…

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Are You a “Starting Late” Saver?

Are you a starting late saver?

👩‍💼 Are you feeling way, way behind when it comes to saving for retirement? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. There are 3 categories of savers, and if you fall into the “Starting Late” Saver crowd, you have plenty of company. You might have had a setback because … 👉  You made a big move in…

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When Should You Get Serious About Saving For Retirement?

As women, we often prioritize everyone else’s needs over our own. Get over it. When it comes to retirement savings, you have to put yourself first. Nodding your head with me? Then see if you fit into one of these three groups: super savers, middle-road savers, and those getting a late start. Each have distinct…

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2024 Winter Economic Update and Investment Outlook Webinar

Watch our Winter 2024 Economic Update & Investment Outlook Webinar replay. Melissa Joy, CFP® and Melissa Fradenburg, AIF®, Pearl Planning financial advisors, update you on the economy and how to invest in 2024. This Investment Outlook Webinar Features: A look at the US Economy Stock Market Inflation Fixed Income Geopolitical Risks Need to chat now…

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2023 Year-End Planning Webinar

Watch our 2023 Year-End Planning Webinar replay. What are your most important financial decisions for now and next year? Melissa Joy, CFP® and Alexa Kane, CFP®, update you with important tax and financial updates in this informative virtual event. The presentation topics include: · Investment & Market Review · Retirement Savings & Roth Conversions ·…

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