Episode 20: Financial Advisor Melissa Fradenburg on Achieving Financial Independence, Claiming What’s Yours, and Handling Life’s Transitions

Melissa Fradenburg is a wife, a mom of two, and a financial advisor at Pearl Planning who specializes in helping women figure out their finances at any stage in their life. She wants women to be less scared to ask for what they deserve and helps them to demystify the world of finance.

On this week’s episode, we covered so many topics- from mom guilt to taking control of our own finances. Melissa wants women to understand that they have options- often a lot more than they think. She believes in having open and honest conversations to eliminate any shame or guilt around money.

Melissa left an unfulfilling corporate job in finance to raise her children and entered back into the workplace as a financial advisor with the goal to help other women in different stages of transition figure out how to maximize their investments and stay informed about their options.

We talk about how COVID has shifted the industry and what it was like starting out as a woman in finance and how that’s since changed.  Listen to our latest episode with Melissa to hear more.


Melissa recommends these podcasts & books: 

52 Pearls- Weekly Money Wisdom
Her Money with Jean Chatzky

Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money, and Build Real Wealth by Bola Sokunbi 
How I Invest my Money: Finance Experts Reveal How they Save, Spend, and Invest  by Joshua Brown and Brian Portnoy

Where you can find her:

Contact Melissa via Pearl Planning, and check out their podcast 52 Pearls- Weekly Money Wisdom.

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