Is Social Security a Good Investment?

Years ago, I had a client, Chris, who asked me whether Social Security was a good retirement investment vehicle, or if he should invest the cash instead.  Chris was self-employed and had structured his business as an S-Corporation.  He could either pay himself a large salary, and maximize the payments into Social Security, or pay…

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The ABC’s Of Social Security & Medicare: Webinar Recap

ABC on chalkboard with books and chalk

Our September webinar focused on a Social Security & Medicare. The presentation covered topics including when to start collecting benefits, early vs. delayed filing, cumulative benefits over time, and questions to consider. Melissa Joy CFP® founder of Pearl Planning presented this 22- minute informative webinar. If you missed our webinar, no problem, we’ve got a…

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2020 Medicare: What you need to know

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Whether you’re nearing age 65 or planning for annual Medicare enrollment, we have an informative video to share with you. Melissa has a conversation with Medicare guru Joanne Giardini-Russell of Boomer Health Group on changes to 2020 Medicare, what decisions you should make at age 65, and annual enrollment best practices. This is available on…

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