As women, we often prioritize everyone else’s needs over our own.

Get over it.

When it comes to retirement savings, you have to put yourself first.

Nodding your head with me?

Then see if you fit into one of these three groups: super savers, middle-road savers, and those getting a late start. Each have distinct challenges.

Super Savers: Balance Present and Future

For you diligent savers who started young, retirement planning is second nature. However, you might struggle with granting yourself permission to spend.

Find balance—like reducing contributions during costly life stages. Yes, I’m saying save a little less. It’s about enjoying life now while preparing responsibly for what lies ahead.

Middle-Road Savers: Clarify the Path

If you’ve saved steadily but feel uncertain, what you need is clarity. While you’ve accumulated savings, the question remains: is it enough?

Personalized financial planning, beyond basic calculators, can refine strategies, so everything—from investments to lifestyle—is carefully considered. This gives you the power to make informed decisions that align with your goals.

Starting Late: Find Solutions

If you feel behind (maybe because of career changes or life events), it’s time to take a hard look at your current money situation and then get some professional advice. Working with a financial planner on a fee-for-service basis can create tailored plans for catching up. This step-by-step approach not only gets at your immediate financial needs but also helps you plan for the future.

It’s Never Too Late

No matter which group you identify with, it’s never too late to prioritize retirement savings. Even if you are getting close to retirement, know this:

✅ Flexibility and informed decisions are key.
✅ It’s never too late to adjust your savings habits.
✅ Get professional guidance.
✅ And embrace a proactive mindset.

So, when should you get serious about saving for retirement?


Decide which saver category fits for you, explore your options, and create a plan for your financial future.

Your financial security starts with prioritizing yourself today.

Want to hear more about actions you can take right now? Check out my Women’s Money Wisdom podcast episode 211.

If you’re ready to work with a professional, you can also book a call with me or another member of our Pearl Planning team at any time.

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