Overlooked Tips & Tricks For Your Investment Portfolio

In this webinar, Pearl Planning President and Financial Advisor, Melissa Joy CFP® shares practical ways to level up your investment strategy in 2024. For those who want to make sure they aren’t overlooking opportunities with their investments and want to be proactive in lowering their taxes, this is the webinar for you!

Watch and learn:

  • Simple but crucial mistakes most people make with their portfolios
  • Proactive planning you can do to lower your taxes now and in the future
  • How to identify when you’ve outgrown DIY and need to get help with your finances

Click Here to Watch

📆 Are you ready to get organized with your finances, start thinking ahead, and plan for the big decisions you need to make? You don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help if you need us.

We are here to help if you need us!

The Legal Details: While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues that will be presented, as Financial Advisors at Pearl Planning, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Investment advisory services offered through Pearl Planning, a DBA of Stephens Consulting LLC., an SEC registered investment advisory.