Kids & College Planning

Michigan MESP 529 Savings Plan – Everything You Need To Know – Webinar Replay

By Alexa Kane, CFP®, CDFA® / November 8, 2022

Watch our webinar replay topic of college savings. The presentation will cover specifically the Michigan MESP 529 Savings Plan as […]

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How to Pay for College with Ann Garcia – Book Club Replay

By Melissa Joy, CFP®, CDFA® / October 13, 2022

Click here to watch our Pearl Planning Book Group discussion about paying for college with a guest appearance from the […]

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Pearl Planning Opening Multiple 529s per Beneficiary- A Guide to Help you Get Started

Opening Multiple 529s per Beneficiary: A Guide to Help You Get Started

By Melissa Joy, CFP®, CDFA® / May 26, 2022

529 plans are a strategy that many use to save for a loved one’s college education. Although most people are […]

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woman holding a piggy bank on a blue wooden table

The 3 Money Conversations to Have With Your Kids

By Melissa Joy, CFP®, CDFA® / March 29, 2021

Do you talk openly about money with your kids?  I consider myself an open book when it comes to money. […]

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monopoly board with car and house

How to Talk to your Kids About Money: Webinar Recap

By Melissa Joy, CFP®, CDFA® / July 19, 2019

Our July webinar focused on how to talk to your kids about money. The presentation covered topics including money by […]

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